How To Overcome Writer’s Block
Let’s talk about writing! I love to write, but there are days when writer’s block hits, and it seems like I’ve forgotten all of my words. Well, maybe not all of them, but definitely the ones that apply to my blog post topic. If you are a blogger, or any kind of writer, you’ve probably had this happen to you. So, what’s the answer to overcome writer’s block? I have a few tips that will help you today.
How To Overcome Writer’s Block
1. Write Every Day
One of the most important things every writer needs to do is write. Write on a consistent basis. It’s great to spend time writing every day. Even if it isn’t something you’re going to publish on your blog or submit to another publication. Keep writing.
A journal can be a great way to accomplish this task. You might even find some of your journal entries give you inspiration. Or become the basis of your best blog posts.
2. Have Fun With Your Topics
If you are a blogger, you’ve probably worked hard to define a niche and stick with that topic. This is great advice, but it doesn’t mean you can’t EVER branch out and write about anything else.
Here’s an example. If you have a pet blog all about your dogs, your readers probably aren’t excited to read about the latest psychological thriller you picked up at the library. However, they might be interested in your top 5 favorite books about dogs. In addition, to the best restaurants in town that let you bring your favorite pup with you to dinner, or the drool-resistant throw pillows you found for your couch.
Don’t be afraid to go outside of the box to get your creativity flowing with new topics and ideas that align well with your niche.
3. Pick Up A Magazine
Magazines are great because you can find inspiration in the articles, pictures, and even the ads! I love reading HGTV magazines. Even though I focus mostly on fashion and lifestyle I get inspired reading design and home improvement magazines. I enjoy seeing and learning new colors and textures throughout beautiful homes. This also can inspire me to try a new outfit or even just move the furniture around in my office.
Sometimes a new perspective on an old room can be a great jumpstart for your creativity.
4. Poll Your Audience
If you are looking for new things to write about, polling your audience is a great way to get new ideas and make sure you are meeting your readers’ needs. (I’m always open for suggestions and love when you reach out to ask questions or tell me what kind of content you want more of here on BLENDstyles!)
A quick poll on Instagram stories or even a reader survey embedded in a blog post or sent out via email can give you content ideas for weeks or even months.
5. Go Outside And LIVE
When all else fails, go outside and do something fun! Writing can’t be all about sitting in your office in front of the computer all day long. A fun day exploring your favorite city, visiting a museum, or people watching at the mall can help knock out the cobwebs. And as one of my favorite English teachers used to say, when you go home to your office you will be ready to write again.
What helps you when writer’s block hits?