Fresh starts are a beautiful thing, and the beginning of a new year comes on a wave of newness and hope. I’m so happy to turn the final page of the 2017 calendar and step into 2018. With that said, I’ve given a lot of thought to what I want to focus on in 2018. The one word that is really speaking to me is inspire.
2018 Word Of The Year: Inspire
What I love about picking one word for the year is that it doesn’t have to be a limitation. It allows me to focus on one precept and I apply it across all the facets of my life. It’s a fun challenge to look at my daily life and see where I can adjust my routines to make room for my new word. Who can relate?
Inspiring Myself
Like all good resolutions or words of the year, my year of inspire starts by looking within. This year I want to be intentional about being inspired, to really look for moments and ideas in my everyday life that will inspire me to grow and make a difference.
This means I will spend more time reading, creating, and writing. I am going to strive for positivity, and stay open to new opportunities that will present themselves through the year. The spirit of inspiration is, in so many ways, a spirit of intentional openness.
Inspiring Others
Ultimately, I like having a focus for the year that not only feeds my soul, but also allows me to spread goodness in the world. This blog and social media are a big part of that – I’m excited to share all the things that inspire me this year with you here, and have the opportunity to bring a bit of light and some good ideas into your world.
To kick off this new year, I would love to learn more about the things that inspire you!
Here are a few questions I’m asking myself this week as I look towards finding inspiration every day, I would love to have you share some of your answers in the comments:
- How do you find inspiration for your day before you get out of bed in the morning?
- What is one thing that always inspires you?
- How do you take action when you are inspired by a book or a work of art?
- Where do you go to get inspired on days that are less than positive?